Behavioral Regulation

Behavioral Regulation for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Autism

Maine State Agency Rules Title 14-197 Chapter 5, “Regulations Governing Behavioral Support, Modification and Management for People with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism in Maine” govern emergency interventions and the procedural steps that must be taken prior to the implementation of planned behavioral interventions. These regulations protect the rights of Maine citizens with an intellectual disability or Autism whenever these citizens are receiving any services funded by, licensed by, or provided through a contract or agreement with OADS.

Participants are entitled to the same rights as every other Maine citizen except as limited by reason of guardianship. The regulations, implemented as a result of Title 14-197 Chapter 5, are intended to ensure that any emergency or behavioral intervention that limits the exercise of any of a Participant’s rights must adhere to specific principles and procedures as outlines in these regulations.

Individual Support Team (IST)

Behavior Regulation Training

Review Team Scheduling

Behavior Regulation Required Documents

Sample Documents

Supporting Documentation