Reportable Events

The Reportable Events System is designed to address the needs of each Individual Receiving Services, which is defined at 14-197 C.M.R. Ch. 12, Section 1(11) as “an adult with a developmental disability, such as an intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder, determined eligible for and receiving services from a provider of services licensed, funded, or regulated in whole or in part by the Department, or an adult with an acquired brain injury determined eligible for and receiving waiver services from a provider of services licensed, funded, or regulated in whole or in part by the Department.”

The goals of the Reportable Events System are to:

  1. identify events that warrant the attention of key people involved in the support of an Individual Receiving Services;
  2. ensure that key people involved in the support of an Individual Receiving Services are made aware of such Reportable Events;
  3. initiate a response to ensure the ongoing health and safety of an Individual Receiving Services when a Reportable Event has occurred; and
  4. ensure that the Department and Provider Agencies recognize and analyze patterns and trends to improve service delivery.

The Department recognizes that some events that meet the definition of a Reportable Event may also qualify as an allegation of Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation, which requires a separate report in accordance with Department rule and the Adult Protective Services Act. See 22 M.R.S. §3477; 10-149 C.M.R. ch. 1.