Data Breach Notifications

Entity Information

  • Type of Organization: Other Commercial
  • Entity Name: Brown-Forman Corporation
  • Street Address: 850 Dixie Hwy
  • City: Louisville
  • State, or Country if outside the US: KY
  • Zip Code: 40210

Submitted By

  • Name: Amanda G Main
  • Title: Senior Attorney and Privacy Officer
  • Firm name (if different than entity):
  • Telephone Number: 502-774-7814
  • Email Address:
  • Relationship to entity whose information was compromised: Senior Attorney and Privacy Officer

Breach Information

  • Total number of persons affected (including residents): This is a follow-up notice to the notice letter provided to your office on August 25, 2020, in which we informed you that we would be notifying one (1) Maine resident in connection with a cybersecurity incident. We have worked diligently to identify remaining impacted records, review those records to identify any personal information, and locate contact information for any additional impacted individuals. This investigation is now complete, and we have identified seventy-one (71) additional individuals residing in Mane whose personal information may have been impacted. The potentitally impacted personal information includes Social Security numbers and/or credit card information associated with an expired credit card. The majority of these individuals were dependents, beneficiaries and former employees whose information Brown-Forman handles in order to administer employee benefits and other employee programs.
  • Total number of Maine residents affected: 72
  • If the number of Maine residents exceeds 1,000, have the consumer reporting agencies been notified:
  • Date(s) Breach Occured: On August 4, 2020, we learned that the unauthorized actors stole certain data from our internal network. The exact date of this activity is unknown.
  • Date Breach Discovered: 07/28/2020
  • Description of the Breach:
    • External system breach (hacking)
  • Information Acquired - Name or other personal identifier in combination with: Social Security Number

Notification and Protection Services

  • Type of Notification: Written
  • Date(s) of consumer notification: Notice letters for the additional 71 individuals were mailed on 04/01/2020
  • Copy of notice to affected Maine residents: L1 04012020.pdf
  • Date of any previous (within 12 months) breach notifications: This is a follow up notice to the notice letter provided to your office on August 25, 2020 and relates to the same incident.
  • Were identity theft protection services offered: Yes
  • If yes, please provide the duration, the provider of the service and a brief description of the service: One-year complimentary credit monitoring from all three nationwide bureas, access to Experian credit reports, indentity theft insurance and identity restoration services. Individuals can enroll by visiting https://www. or calling toll-free to (866) 578-5412