Data Breach Notifications

Entity Information

  • Type of Organization: Healthcare
  • Entity Name: Employment Specialists of Maine, Inc.
  • Street Address: 776 Riverside Drive
  • City: Augusta
  • State, or Country if outside the US: Maine
  • Zip Code: 04330

Submitted By

  • Name: Heather Ulmer
  • Title: ESM Vice President
  • Firm name (if different than entity):
  • Telephone Number: 207-622-5946
  • Email Address:
  • Relationship to entity whose information was compromised: Employee

Breach Information

  • Total number of persons affected (including residents): 3000
  • Total number of Maine residents affected: 2999
  • If the number of Maine residents exceeds 1,000, have the consumer reporting agencies been notified: Yes
  • Date(s) Breach Occured: 11/02/2020
  • Date Breach Discovered: 11/02/2020
  • Description of the Breach:
    • Other, External system breach (hacking)
    • If other, please specify: The attack involved ransomware installed on ESM’s server, which encrypted ESM’s data so that it could not be accessed. The ransomware included a demand that ESM pay a ransom to regain access to its data. ESM did not pay the ransom and was able to stop the attack and restore its electronic data using backup data made shortly before the attack. We believe the ransomware was in our system for less than two hours. ESM and its external IT vendor reviewed the attack and did not find evidence that the attackers copied or otherwise took, obtained or actually viewed ESM’s data. Although we have no evidence this occurred and believe it is unlikely, it is impossible to conclude with 100% certainty that the attackers did not copy, take, obtain or view ESM’s data. In an abundance of caution, ESM is treating this attack as if it was a breach and making the notifications described under Maine law and HIPAA (and Florida law for a single individual who is a resident of that state).
  • Information Acquired - Name or other personal identifier in combination with: Driver's License Number or Non-Driver Identification Card Number

Notification and Protection Services

  • Type of Notification: Written
  • Date(s) of consumer notification: 12/09/2020
  • Copy of notice to affected Maine residents: ESM, Template Breach Notification Letter (12-8-20).pdf
  • Date of any previous (within 12 months) breach notifications: n/a
  • Were identity theft protection services offered: No
  • If yes, please provide the duration, the provider of the service and a brief description of the service: