Welcome to the Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Health Inspection Programs (HIP) Online Inspection Results portal.

This site contains inspection results for regular, change-of-ownership and follow-up inspections occurring within the past three (3) years for establishments licensed and inspected under the Health Inspection Program. Maine's Public Health Inspectors are trained under FDA Standardized Food Safety Inspection Officers. They conduct inspections per the Maine Food Code and State of Maine rules and regulations. Health Inspectors are also trained to conduct inspections for lodging, campground, youth camps, public pools/spas, and body artists. Per statute, regular health inspections are conducted biennially. However, inspection frequency may vary depending on complaints received, public health risks, or compliance history. A pre-operational inspection is conducted before an establishment can be licensed to operate. If the inspection is satisfactory, the inspector will approve the issuance of a license. An unannounced operational eating place inspection (i.e., a regular inspection) generally follows within 90 days of issuance of a license. Unannounced operational inspections for other license types are completed within five (5) months.

Inspections are a "snapshot" of the day and time of the inspection. An inspection conducted on any given day may not represent the overall, long-term compliance of an establishment. Establishments are provided the opportunity to correct any observed violations while the inspector is still on site.

Inspection results for inspections conducted under rules with criticalities assigned to rule requirements will show a status of failed (if it is a failed inspection), the number of critical (C) and non-critical (NC) violations observed and the applicable rule citations. Inspection results conducted under rules without criticality assignments will show the applicable rule citations for the violations observed.
Program rules can be found at the following link: https://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/rules/10/chaps10.htm

A failed inspection results from more than three (3) critical or more than ten (10) non-critical violations. Critical violations must be corrected within 10 days and non-critical violations are generally required to be corrected within 30 days. The timeframe in which a follow-up inspection occurs after each failed inspection depends on the nature of the violations that caused the failure.

Critical violations are more likely than other violations to contribute to foodborne or other illnesses, infection, or environmental health hazards.
Non-critical violations, when left uncorrected, may become critical issues.

If a search for a particular establishment yields no results, it is possible that an inspection has not been conducted within the past three (3) years or the establishment has only received a pre-operational inspection. If there are no citations listed in an inspection result, it means no violations were observed at the time of inspection.

If you have further questions about our inspection process or require additional information about an inspection, please call the Health Inspection Program at (207) 287-5671.

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